Wednesday 1 December 2010

Hell has frozen over

With agreements put aside we have confirmed in what roles we are all playing for the creation of the game trailer. Myself I have a important role to play as I am making one of the key characters and locations vital to the narrative. On this post I will cover what I am creating and what the rest of the team are planning to do.

Character: As I have thought about a potential chaarcter I came across the idea for a game with the use of the horror genre and I thought what was the most horrific thing I have seen and felt. For a while I thought that the most underused pure form of terror and horror was the haunting expression of a child. A direct influence I looked at was the game FEAR who the main antagonist was a character called Alma, she was a child who had shown signs of psychic potential and so she became a subject and was tested so on and so forth he test failed and she became twisted and very absent minded. Now the influence from Alma is that she sends psychic projections to the main character and you can see Alma as a young girl. My perception of the Alma (child) was superb as that the expression and demeanor truly showed horror and the atmosphere suddenly became grim and solemn. That feeling is what I want to portray in my character. Now my character who I call Mercy is the fifth iteration in a long going experiment as her predecessors failed. To derive from the character description and I will move on to the program details for a moment.

The program itself developed by a secret military was to create a weapon to be used against their enemies or to be used as an intimidation tactic, the progrmas origin was fortified when an expedetion funded and done by the military itself found an Aztec temple in an isolated forest not seen by the eyes of men for the past few centuries. I know what your thinking a temple in a forest let me remind you this is a game trialer and it doesn't have to make sense. Anyway within this pyramid is what they were looking for an ancient demonic entity that has been dormant for many centuries. The purpose fo the pyramid was to keep the demon entombedand the aztecs made blood sacrafices to keep the demon calm, but with the spanish colonization of the americas it stopped. Now the demon is slowly waking. Back to the program, the purpose was to create a weapon as I sadi and the demon is the genetic source of the weapon. Scientists acquired some the demons essence or DNA and applied to a zygote. With further genetic engineering by the scientists the zygote grew into a fetus and then soon to a child. A reaction happened every time with the application of the demons esscence the prescence of said essence dominated the zygote and unique traits were formed such as the child was always female, the potential shown by the demons essence and also the genetic engineering by the scientists made the subjetcs powerful. The potential showed in each subject was too advanced for the child to contain and when the child reached the age of twelve the "connection" was implemented. This part of the experiment was when the demon tried to connect with the child and unlock latent abilities in the childs potential. The downside was that each instalment in the program series was under developed and not trained to an acceptable degree for them to survive the connection.

This is where my character comes in, she is subject five the process was done. The application to the zygote the nine month conception, birth and then growth. Theres a difference between this subject as she has developed too well she has progressed training to maxium levels and has shown an extreme tolerance to the demons presence. When the connection happened she survived as her skills, abilities and resolve have grown too well. Since the connection failed her abilities have unlocked and she now has more power at her command but of course this power originated from this demon, there is a side effect of survival the demons presence is stronger and has become physically shown. Subject five with her potential unlimited overpowered the connection and the presences strength is now hers and with power she has become corrupted and that has become visible in her appearance. After the connection she has recognised her purpose, she is a weapon and her resolve has become twisted as she wants to have more power and to do that she has to break free from the demons presence and attention and to do that she has decided to kill her farther.