Thursday 17 December 2009

Unit 18 Iphone Apps designs

I have done two Apps so far for my unit 18, the two genres I have chosen first are Horror and Fantasy.

Thursday 10 December 2009

Ship Practice 2

I have practiced making a ship on studio max for the polygons at the back of the ship I gave it an earth texture.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Ship Practice 1

I did a 3D max tutorial this morning and within that time I made this:

Thursday 12 November 2009

Texture robot

I have had a practice with textures on a robot i had a practice with the basics but then I found that you can use images so I thought why not a ghostbusters robot. For the arms I used the planet texture setting, maybe with a little more time I could have used an appropiate image that I could have used to make it more fun.


I have been practicing with textures in 3D studio Max, the practice was texturing and also I added lights to make it more 3D in there were many textures to chose from since this is a first attempt I kept to something basic the material I worked with was one box to become wood another object to be smudged and I dont really know what the third one is. I also gave the plane a texture I gave it a texture called planet this perticular one had many colours to chose from. And also I added a tree for natural reasons.

Thursday 5 November 2009


Here is my robot which I made in studio max, it's half head half hood. I would have made a body but the camera wasn't so friendly so I was unable to instead I gave it a hood.

The texture has been made metallic and also the original colour was grey it kind of went wrong but with the lighten you can see part of the hood. The camera angle here is partly to the left.

I also like the pointy ears I extruded the edges for that effect, then I extruded the verteces to move the tips of the ears out of proportion and the point out at an angle.

Originally it started out as a box, but to make things easier I deleted one half and I instanced it and made it mirror the original half. So if I made any changes it would affect the mirror half the same way. As you see on the image under the throat I tried to extend them to shoulders but the camera angle wasn;t haing any so that was a dead end.

My weakness of this exercise must be the camera control as it is quite difficult to work with, trying to get the right angle was quite hard as the control was having a schism. A strong point of this exercise was I had the robot have a mohawk under the head. Overall it was a decent attempt if I made a whole model I think the body would look quite a simple body.

On a bad note I was never able to make the whole model quite depressing but I had a go with the head and it worked out well. (Yeah, it has a hood)

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Unit 63 Moodboard

This is my moodboard I have done for Unit 63.
I had to select a favourite brand so I chose Marvel which is a personal favourite of mine.
Since their are so many characters to choose from I was spoilt for choice.

Thursday 22 October 2009

Photoshop Practice

I have done some practice on photoshop using turtorials to create backgorunds for some of my work, I just wanted to show what I have made.


Final desktop background

I have finished the desktop background, and here is the finished product. I have placed the icons at the bottom of the screen where there is space for them. I added special effects to it on Adobe photoshop, such as brushes on the bottom of the image and on the surface on the planets, on the little planet I made a little special effect it was supposed to be an explosion but it turned out like that.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Desktop Project Evaluation

I have finished the evaluation, but a little bit confused on how to put it on the blog.

Ideas for my final desktop design

I skecthed four ideas for my desktop design, the theme was sci-fi so I decided to draw some planets and some ships (basic ideas), I admit they are not of the best quality but at least I tried and I think that the ideas really do show some potential.

This is my first idea, its basic but it looks good I think.
The images here are some planets, I would like to use these as they are visualy striking and impressive. Also it has been annotated to show where content will go.

This is my second idea what I thought was that all of the sci-fi films I have seen they have ships so I thought I'll do that and so i have also I have a planet in the backgorund as in contrast shows how big the ships are.

Thursday 15 October 2009

3D studiomax practice

Some more 3D practice I made a building but with a random design, just a little experimentation. Random is a good thing to go with. I used edged lines to help me with manipulating the box, I made it into an editable mesh and used the polygon option in the sub selection menu and with that I went a bit insane with the design and the resulting conclusion are the images below. I also used vertices to add vertexes to make the polygons into one instead of having all of them seperate, it helps keep it organised and tidy.

Desktop project

I have finished my desktop project.

This is the finished product, I added some effects that originated form brushes such as the lightning That originally was from a brush but I changed the colour of it to go with the colour scheme. Also as you see on the planet that shiny blueness that also was from brushes. The reasons I chose them was because I wanted to add some more depth to the desktop. Also as you see on the mini planet I have placed a special effect originally it was supposed to be an explosion but it didnt go right so I salvaged it and I worked with it to match the theme. Also the font suits the theme as the font is Space.1 which I got from the website 1001 fonts. I also place the logo in the corner and I made it transparent so it wouldn't clash with the colours. I also added media suite to show where this desktop was made. I placed the icons on the bottom of the screen as there was space at the bottom and also they are above the student charter so they can clearly see what some rules at Shipley College.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Basic Box Modeling

I had some more practice on studio max and what I was doing was some basic box modeling what I made was a house. It was basic to make but it had its trouble to make as well.

I started with a box I dived each side into five sections and then selected I modified the box into an editible mesh, and selceted the polygon in the sub seletion menu and I highlighted certain squares I wanted to modify.
I did that and extruded the top part of the box model and then I selected the scale tool and scaled the top to make a roof.

I did the same to the front section of the box and pushed the highlighted squares inward for some strange reason.
For the pyramid at the top I made a chimney using the same method for the roof for a more better building I added a pyramid and put it above the chimney, I changed the colour of the building to make it more bright so it is easier to see the building.

Monday 5 October 2009

Making a rollover button in flash

I started to make a rollover button on flash but for the design I made that in Photoshop First I made basic shape with the rounded rectangle tool, added two 3d effects that were bevel and emboss, and drop shadow.

To make it a game theme I added Bomberman and put him in the middle of the button.

Wednesday 30 September 2009

Brain storm ideas for my desk top project

This is my brainstorm I have made for my desktop project I have covered most basic parts for a suitable backgorund image. I have highlighted the most important parts of the brainstorm with a star next to it. Adding images to this makes it more appealing and better. I will always refer back to this for when I need ideas during desktop construction.

Thursday 24 September 2009

My first animation I did on Studio Max. I used the bend modifier to distort the words and eventually they rotate into their original position.

The star was extruded to look 3D. I used the total of 9 keyframes for the animation, since this is my first time making an animation, it wasn't the best but next time it I will improve on this.

Another practice with Studio Max, the results were great but the whole process of doing it was quite frustrating.

The font was Carminsa. I attached the hexagon to the text, and after I extruded them and I manually inserted the star and I had to manually extrude that.

Considering the background is black I changed the colour of the hexagon to blue so it wouldn't clash and now I can see that it has a nice 3D effect.

More Studio Max work

Some more examples of the practice I have had, I like these images have they have been put into a screenshot from an angle. This helps as looking at the same thing from a perspective helps add visual satisfaction.

Studio Max practice

Just some practicing with Studio Max if you look closley to one of the images you will see an atom teapot. This work is for Unit's 64 and 65.

Genre Collage

This is a Collage I did at college at the start of the year. We had four genres which we had to find images for. There were Horror, Sci-fi, Fantasy and War.

I like the giant robot.

And if you look at the horror part you can see Tingle from The Legend Of Zelda and yes he is scary.

This is part of my desktop project it's to give some ideas on what desktop image should look like and what content it should contain.