Thursday 14 October 2010

My Ideal Genre for Trailer

For my Final Major Project, we will make a game trailer but we need ideas for what theme/genre we can have.

Here are some ideas:

1.Horror: For this we will have a character walk through a forest, been watched by a monster. But how this will work. We will use the full effect of camera angles such as viewing the character from the side. Also the use of audio we will use a noise/music to add tension. The ending will see the character been chased or attacked by the monster, Atmospheric. An influence could include Resident Evil and FEAR. Very cinematic.

2.Mystery: The idea for this is self explanatory, a setting would be seen in First Person. An idea would be the user walking down a corridor looking into rooms were the interior design will be individually designed by each team member. Also to add to an haunting feeling I will make a character that might walk on the roof while you walk down the corridor.

Other Concepts:

Art Style: My influenced artstyle would be realistic, as I feel that a cel-shaded forest wouldn't give a solemn expression. An anime design might work but I don't really know how to do that. Since the narrative is of the horror genre, having the art style will help put it in tune. I might look at specific gothic styles of visuals. As the forest will be dark and gloomy.

Characters/Creatures: Since we are going with the horror genre, I think that an acceptable character would of a young age round about 18-23. For a creature I am thinking of having a supernatural creature or another human e.g. pyscho, clown.

Weaponary/Vehicles: Weapons might be optional dependign if the villain is a pyscho. A blood soaked knife might help.

Background/environments: My idea would be a night forest background as this could put emphasis on the horror genre. The forestry would be influenced from Lord of the Rings such as the Mirkwood Forest where Saurons influence could be seen. A perfect setting would be able to see the forest as solemn and isolated. Since the environment looks tainted with evil I could use a fog effect to help emphasise the genre. In the game Fable 2 a section is called Wraithmarsh where it is a dark forest with a fog floor and you can see deserted buildings and destroyed buildings.

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