Thursday 25 November 2010

Fog Effect

In the latest tutorial I was taught how to add atmospheric effects more specifacally a fog effect, I started with making a Pyramid with some spires at each corner.

As you can see the first image is without the fog effect but th eone inderneath shows the fog effect, with specific controls I am able to add layers of fogs on top of each other. Since this is in a desert I went with a brown fog which is supposed to look like dust in the wind.

Also I have added a lighting effect to the scene whilst also tinting the sky to a night scene.

And just below I have applied a lighting effect as it looks like the sky is practically been torn apart.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Environment Moodboard

Here I have done a moodboard dedicated to the environment of the Final Major Project:

The inspiration derive from multiple sources:

Since the game trailer is based in a forest I have looked at the game Alan Wake for inspiration as this has the perfect setting. As the game has elements of phschological situations. I would like to portray this in the trailer as it has factors of fear inside it. For the image on the bottom left it has depictions of an abandoned building when actually it is the X-Mens mansion as this picture was taken from the second-coming storyline, the point why I chose this picture was that it shows the building abandoned and surviving through the seasons this is inspirational as I could set the environment in a winter setting. For the image at the top the source is from the manga Claymore what I like about this is that the source is varied and I am looking at different alternatives for inspiration and also the image itself is nothing but trees as this can be a direct reference.

Outside Sketches

I have for some time done some sketches at home which I draw in my spare time, I really like the manga style of illustrations and hopefully in the future I will be able to draw much better than I can do now.

Team logo final descison and why.

Out of all the logos the team have we have finally decided on the team logo:

1. Dom's logo - Chosen logo.

What I like about this logo is the design of it as it is very impartial for what I have forseen as a suitable team logo. The name really does suit this design well as there is the evidence of a flare as there is a colourful smoke as the effect looks very realistic. The logo is very visual as the font has effects such as glowing and the font of the words really do stand out. Overall this is what I call a proffesional industry standard logo.


Dom's logo was voted (by the class) as the final team logo. Out of all the team members he recieved ten votes as he had the most, the final logo has been decided.

Monday 8 November 2010

Environment Designs

For the environment I have chosen a suitable theme that goes well with the game trailer. For my official design I have gone for a simplistic view of a forest. I have left the image as a line drawing as I have applied extra solidarity with a fineliner to help make lines look extra bold. Also I have added extra shading to help ut the emphasis on scale as the trees closer to the front of the image are more vivid with texture and shading contrast. For the refrence image I have taking that from the Claymore Manga, another reason I kept that image in black and white as it is an acknowledgement to the source. Since I will make this in 3D this environmetn is very possible as the image is in constant contrast with scale, textures and lighting. This is a perfect image to look upon for inspiration

This is the refrence image:

This is my official environemt for the game trailer:

But I have explored further development with a different design with a different creative approach. I have gone for an abandoned building in the midst of winter. Gain for a genreal impact I have gone for a fineline effect and also to show a different visual effect I have used four different art techniques. I divided the image into four parts with each section dedicated to different styles. For the top left I have used pencil crayons to help display what creation could appeal. The colours contrast well as the tree has a rugged texture which helps it looke more realistic. Also felt tip pens feature in the practice image which helps add contrast to the image but overall it is quite appaling with the colour scheme on the other hand it is bold and has a lot of clarity. For the bottom right of the image I have used pastels since snow dominated this section I experimented with different shades to help it make look vivid and detailed, the use of pastel helped the image look a bit more 3D as the blood splatter looks realistic and the blue tint in the snow piled up against the wall looks far superior to any other detial in the image. What I liked about the pastel that it is very easy to apply to an image and also simple to manipulate with the technique of shading and texturing. If I decide to use snow in the game trailer I will definitley look at this for an idea. For the bottom left I have left it as a pencil drawing as I didn't want to cause more damage to the image. Overall, I am happy with what I have done for the experimental design.