Wednesday 26 January 2011

Storytelling Reflection

New Team Logo: (Static)

My Board for Storytelling:

Overall, how do you feel the presentation went?

Honestly I felt gald that the presentation was done and in more specific detail I believe that the presentation went well. The presentation was done fairly as we had respect and let everyone have thier turn and if they were stuck we would help each other out. Overall, it went well everyone spoke their part, they had a calm demeanour. Speaking in public is a frightful task at first but when I was speaking I knewI was discomforted but the section I was covering I was passionate about so that helped me overcome any stage fright.

How long did your team take?

Our team took 27 mins to speak. It was long but all the team members were there. All five of us took our time to speak.

Was everyone prepared?

Not really, as some team members did struggle to research for what they chose to do. To help them for when it was their turn to speak the team wrote notes down to help them if they got stuck. Which I noticed about every team had some guide notes. For myself I lost my train of thought for a few seconds but I recovered by looking at some notes which I wrote down. Overall I am going to say no we weren't prepared either the prospect in speaking in front of people or just down to a lame ability of memory.

How did your audience react - were they positive, encouraged or distracting? - Personal Input.

For the team, the audience was fine no one was distracting as the audience was paying attention. Honestly, some looked bored or tired which is a natural reaction for when you are sitting in a really warm room. The feedback the team recieved from the audience was positive as no one complained or moaned as most was just quiet ad posibly wanted to get this done. For when I spoke most were interested and sielnt at the same time. For my feedback, I recieved a few questions which I answered. There were some audience members which were distracting as they were on there computers. Overall, they were a positive audience.

How did you do?

I think my part went well as I was the very last speaker so there wasn't any pressure on me. I was focused on what I spoke about. I think I screwed up a bit by going off track for a few seconds but I recovered and the audience were sympathetic so I didn't feel intimidated. I took my time and I'm glad I did. I sometimes get nervous in front of a crowd but most of the audience members were my friends so it was easier to speak. I like to think that I was prepaered as I do have knowledge on my chose subject but the concept of stage fright killed off some of that knowledge. In any future cases I will try and be more prepared by revising notes frequently so I know what I'm talking about.

What did you learn?

I learnt some basic subject knowledge about what most people covered. I learnt that storytelling is important as most have them have a hidden meaning and some philisophical knowledge. Also stories have been told since the dawn of man and have been adapted to be told in different ways such as books, word of mouth or been displayed on a wall or pottery. I am personally interested in storytelling so this was an exciting subject to cover and also I do have some basic knowledge on what most people covered so I asked some questions. I was a good audience member.

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