Wednesday 16 February 2011

Industry Visit: Fox Biscuits

In the second half of the visit we were informed on the production process of the Fox Biscuit adverts of Vinnie the Panda.

Lewis mentioned that there wer emany problems in which during pre-production the whole project had to be restarted multiple times due to the mascot been a bulldog but there were faults and they decided to have a panda instead but again further complications as they went for a hybrid between panda and bulldog but this failed. In the end they decided to go with a panda.

Over the advert development there were more problems as in the advert the set is real this contributed to further funds been used so the budget increased and the staff had to be increased. Another problem which occured was that the panda had his paws ona biscuit this is was perceived as unhygienic so development of the pandas paws was done repeatedly.

Overall, with the time delays and staff and artists been relocated to this project the budget increased. The cost of the advert was £1.5 million, the core complication of this project was the contact not knowing what they wanted but in the end it was popular and more adverts were commissioned.

Also the voice actor for Vinnie is Joe Montegna who has appeared in shows such as The Simpsons as he voices Fat Tony. Biscuits.

Industry Visit: Channel 4 Dubai Advert

As the visit was taking place there was a detailed analysis on one of Double Negative past works it was an advert for Channnel 4 which was a brief indication and also an optical illusion. Channel 4 has done multiple adverts using this tactic as in each scene they use different landmarks such as New York and a location in China, I think.

Anyway this specific advert in which he is covering is the Dubai advert. Lewis explained on how this was done as going through each stage of production. Mentioning and highlighting specific problems.

In Pre-Production, problems such as getting permission to even fly around the desired location, every variable was covered such as how bright the sun is shining, the position in which the sun is in the sky. Every potential problem was dealt with. Also other areas were prblem such as legal issues as in the advert the camera is looking at a construction site which has a banner with a professional logo. Even though the logo only appears briefly for a few seconds.

He revealed that the advert only cost £250,000 to make this includes everything covered in each stage of production. Every part of the production was fluent from beginning to end.

Double Negative Visual Effects

On Monday 14th February we were visited by an effects artist who is called Lewis Guarniere from a company called Double Negative which is a popular visual effects studio in the film industry. I have never heard of them up until that day in which he informed us of their history and involvement in the movie industry.

Through out the visit the guest artist informed us on what Double Negative have worked on as he showed multiple show reels in which was informative and then a second reel which showed a scene been broken down and then been put together with different layers. For example the opening scene from the film Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince it was pure CG as the only real part of the scene was the pedestrians on the Millenium Bridge.

Also on the show reels it expanded more on the films and also showed footage from advertisements which was a suprise as I have seen most of them. (I will review some of them on new posts).

It was a suprise with what films they have worked on such films as Inception and Iron Man 2 most of these films have won awards so this shows Double Negative is an award winning studio.

The main purpose of the visit was to inform us on how the industry works and how you can get into it. Lewis told us of his past how he started as a runner then worked his way up the carear ladder. Lewis was informative on how possible involvement in the movie industry. He covered all his past from his studies to further education he went to Bradford University doing the CG Special Effects. During his first years as a runner he earned £11,000 a year.

Another note in which he was very clear about was the process of productions which are involved in any media product as Pre-Production is vital as the planning is formed in which everything is covered as Lewis kept metioning how important pre-production is. He also kept repeating that their are many faults which will be stumbled upon he said the worse problem was knowing that the contact doesn't know what they want.

Iron Man 2


My Quote: "The industry visit was a positive experience as it enabled me to see what it was like to see how a film was made in post-production, it was evidently an inspiring visit as information was given and also explanations on how most of the times a plan doesn't come together, overall a plesant and informative visit from someone who works in the film industry"