Wednesday 16 June 2010

Comparing the Storyboard to a professional example continued

Now I will compare the storyboard itself.

Myself I am a big fan of comic books and graphic novels and manga. One of my personal favourites is the comapany Marvel which a a large pantheon of charatcers such as Spider-man, X-men, Captain America, Iron Man and Teh Incredible Hulk etc. My personal favourite is X-men as currently I am following The Second-Coming stroyline.

Anyway my storyboard is a baisc simple design with a basic layour of nine frames placed next to and on top of each other. This sort of layout can be found in any comic book. Since this is my first officail project it was hard to sort the layout in Photoshop was a bit difficult as placement was a bit tedious and the measurement had to be correct. Also the way I colored my comic is different to how experts do it I painted mine in Photoshop and experts paint theres with their own hands.

The beauty is that the art the do is impressive as there individuals to deal with each part such as the artist, the inker and the colorer. One of my favorite artist is David Finch who did a superb contribution to The Fallen Son one-shot (this deals with characters reaction on Captain America Assassination).

Looking at each comic mine is basic in quality but since I did mine in Photoshop it has a bit more visual coherence as you look at the X-men comic strip above they color is a bit more gritty but the content is more mature as you see X23 impale a character on her claws. The graphic atmoshpere helps add tension for the X-men as their story is based around the mutant race going extinct and humans wanting to finish them off and so the mutants are been hunted and terminated the visual style reflects that well as my comic uses gradients to help add a visual atmosphere and in each frame it is used in it helps make a focal point such as in frame six Jack unsheaths his sword I have added a word art with the sound effect "Snikt" which is commonly used in X-men when Wolverine unleashes his claws. That sound effect is very iconic in the comic industry as X-men is highly regarded and very prestigous. I tried to add atmosphere into my comic with inspiration from X-men as people are trying kill them because they are scared of their powers. With Jack samurais are scared to fight him and that samurais death reflects how stupid it si to run into the face of death with no regard for the consequences but I think he was trying to prove a point. Fear can be conquered.

The X-men understand this all too well as they fear that the mutant race will go extinct and that mutants and humans fight each other. The X-men believe that the two races can live in harmony, the concpet of harmony is seen in my comic at the start as Jack is meditating and everything is quiet.

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