Wednesday 9 June 2010

Evaluation for my Game Trailer Storyboard Part 3 Continued

Discuss the technical aspects of your work and highlight the strengths / areas to develop?

I my previous post I discussed my skecthes for Jack, what I did next was to make a written narrative for the story and to do research on a suitable comic layout I opted for something basic for the layout I decided to use nine frames for the storyboard.

Now my work on Photoshop begins I made a rough example layout (which I saved over), this was the foundation for the storyboard to be worked upon. For each frame I used multiple layers to work with I made a practice frame for which I put my 3D scene into it, if you look at it now the frame is warped that was a bit of practice with a transform tool. For the other frames I duplicated each of them so the height and lentgh of each frame should be the same. For the title layer I added a gradient effect to make it look more appealing than a basic title.

For other features I implemented many images to help make it look real the clouds are noticable in the first few frames.

On more of a technical side I used many tools features in Photoshop most commonly the brush tool to help color many blank spaces in the stroyboard, I also used the ruler tool as this helped me put each frame in a neat order to make everything suitable.

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