Wednesday 9 June 2010

Evaluation for my Unit 67 Game Trailer Storyboard Part One

This is my finished storyboard for my Unit 67:

Does the end product match my intentions?

I can answer this without a regret as I made this comic myself I shaped this within my mind and it matches my intentions definitley. At the beginning of this project I was curios as to which charatcer I would choose for further development, I mulled it other with a few choices but in the end I chose Samurai Jack as it is one of my favourite childhood cartoons and also easy to draw.

Afterwards I researched into comic layouts and been a fan of comics and graphic novels myself I bought my own comics from home to research on. To make it more personal I chose my favourite series X-men which is done by Marvel and I rserached into many comics and graphic novels done by Alan Moore most notable Watchmen and V for Vendetta. When Alan worked with Marvel he write Civil war which is my favourite stroyline and also memorable as it led up to Captain Americas assassination.

The comic extract was from the X-men stroyline Second Coming I tried to fit the grim style and deathly atmosphere into my storyboard as someone dies and I dedicated a frame to his death I hope the style is suitable I know the visual quality isn't very good but then it was my first comic that I have done.

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